I am a Holistic Sociologist. I searched the libraries, Patents, Copyrights and Social Media and found there was not even a term for it. I tried to write the story of Holistic sociology in Wikipedia and it was refused. Since I had already coined the term in early 2000’s , I patented and created the copyrights in my own patent system and nation chronology in 2013. I am the first and only Holistic Sociologist in the world. I am a Certified Herbalist, a Life Coach and Ritualist. These are three of the skillsets that I utilize to help the client bring their life course into focus and stability to their wellness journey.  Of those three skillsets techniques, ritual therapy is my favorite.

For years I have worked in our communities via ill-conceived policies and politically constructed programs that were created by the forum–for the forum. Whereas; they could never speak to the uniqueness of our nature and identity as a people. So I started giving unsolicited speeches at family gathers. From there, I venture out into public spaces, such as small colleges and universities. I created a radio podcast and spoke on the many acts of genocide. I stepped in front of the camera and created masses meetings on social media. And, from there I was invited as a guest speaker on various Youtube platforms. I created zoom lectures and ritual classes. 

I created the Social Construct & Reality Therapy through the methods of holism expressly for the American Indian Aborigine. Social Construct & Reality Therapy is a combination of two revised concepts that are used to focus on targeting and removing the causes of generational stressors.

Holistic sociology was created by Chief Mimi Olom, ( The Call of Deborah) 

Holistic Sociology is a new and developing curriculum, comprising course work and study to complement the field of American Sociology,  but also to uplift the physical and mental health of the American Aborigine through the “Prehistoric and Contemporary HealthWorks . In contrast and comparison, Holistic Sociology can complement all fields of Sociology in academia. However, it is very different from collegiate and mainstream Sociology in context and its definitions. 

Now that I am Chief of the Mississippian Confederacy I work very hard to enforce the rights of or people. This is a work in progress. And we are progressing everyday

Mimi Olom K’ayam Kabal