I created the Social Construct & Reality Therapy through the methods of holism expressly for the American Indian Aborigine. Social Construct & Reality Therapy is a combination of two revised concepts that are used to focus on targeting and removing the causes of generational stressors.

Holistic sociology was created by Chief Mimi Olom, ( The Call of Deborah) 

Holistic Sociology is a new and developing curriculum, comprising course work and study to complement the field of American Sociology,  but also to uplift the physical and mental health of the American Aborigine through the “Prehistoric and Contemporary HealthWorks . In contrast and comparison, Holistic Sociology can complement all fields of Sociology in academia. However, it is very different from collegiate and mainstream Sociology in context and its definitions. 

Brief History

The French essayist Emmanuel-Joseph Sieyès reinvented Auguste Comte 1838,  proposal of a synthetic science to unit all knowledge about human activity. Sociology is considered one of the 5 main branches of the social sciences, taking into account the study of human life in survey and analysis of popular theories and practice-to understand human reaction and interactions with their socially constructed world. In my studies of American sociology, I find the central aim is to apply such knowledge to the pursuit of government policies designed to benefit the general economic welfare of the elite through social reform in its various subsections such as gender, race, and class inequality. The American concept of Sociology has broadened its discipline to an international course to reshape and impact the world on a “Global Scale” with various subsections that include global markets, persistent world poverty and contemporaneous migration patterns.

How this Works

More often than not, we conceptualize the term social construct as ideas or theories containing various concepts with negative elements which are created to Indoctrinate the people Into Class distinctions and false since of status. But by my methods the client is afforded the opportunity to realize they have the power to socially construct or reconstruct their world in harmony with what they desire. As stated above the client must be able to focus on comprehending the causes of generational stressors. In order to accomplish this goal, the client must be able to connect their story to the story of their ancestors prehistoric, historic and  modern-day existence.

This years classes, lectures and social media events Topic are…

  • Out Of Degeneracy
  • the World Identity Crisis
  • Why you must tell your story
  • Your Cosmic Convergence.