What is REBOL-ic Charging?

In REBOL-ic CHARGing I use a Combination of REIKI and Pranic therapy, where I use REIKI therapy by the  “Laying-On-Of-Hands technique that transfers vibrational energy. It is administered based on the motion that the “life force energy” that flows through all Naturally Occurring energy can be transferred and passed on to the bodies of life in the form of  mindfulness and touch. 

I also administer Pranic energy in keeping with the breath-of-life to balance, bring rise to the plant’s naturally occurring living energies. Pranic Healing works on the principles of PRANA being the breath-of-life process which restores and  accelerates the life force energy that may be affected by the handling artificial life forms..

I use this combination technique on all of my products based on the fact that much of our plants and even animals are produced and handled by artificial hands and minds  which can not transmit Naturally Occurring  life force energy. In this time of turmoil and chaos caused by the “crea”, all of us  must accept and take the responsibility to be the activating force for all transformative life in this naturally occurring reset In order for the REBOL-ic healing energies to have lasting results and to open the way to our naturally produced intentions.