In an article by Valecia Weeks licensed through the state of Texas as a therapeutic massage therapist, she specializes in providing on-site chair massage for corporations and events. She currently provides massage for such organizations as the Kipp Academy and Houston Methodist Hospital. Valecia is also a certified personal trainer with NESTA, as well as a licensed ZUMBA instructor
Valecia Weeks, LMT
There are a number of professional massage therapists who are African American. These therapists offer an alternative to the use of traditional medicine for such health issues as muscle spasms, sciatica, anxiety, fibromyalgia, digestive disorders, headaches, sports injuries, and the BIG one, STRESS! These are only a few.
According to the Center of Disease Control and Prevention, nearly 70 percent of women are overweight by 25 pounds or more. Unfortunately, many African American women view obesity as part of their culture. The obvious factor of poor diet and nutrition is killing African American women but another life changing situation that is killing women at an even faster rate … is best known as stress. We women just can’t seem to shake it! Did you know that approximately 60 percent of all human illness and diseases are brought on by uncontrolled stress? A large majority of individuals who are stressed overeat or eat unhealthy, which explains a little bit of the reason why Black women lead in obesity.
It is a fact that there are pharmaceutical medicines on the market that can help to alleviate stress and the other medical issues listed above, but massage therapy is a healthy alternative treatment. It increases the neurotransmitter levels of serotonin – which influences mood, behavior, appetite, sleep patterns and blood pressure, and dopamine – which controls how individuals respond emotionally. Therefore, the release of serotonin and dopamine decrease significant levels of stress and depression and increase positive moods.
Licensed Massage Therapists use techniques that are specifically designed to reduce stress. These techniques help the client mentally shift thoughts away from everyday worries and allow serotonin and dopamine to be released, which makes for a healthier lifestyle.
The techniques used by Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT) are by far some of the leading treatments and solutions for treating a number of health disorders. There are, however, times when traditional medical treatment is necessary; so, always consult with your primary care physician before using therapeutic massage therapy as an alternative form of medical treatment.
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