How Minerals Improve Mental Health

Boosting Mental Health Through Minerals

A healthy intake of foods rich in minerals is critical for brain structure and function and have a potentially profound impact on mental health. However, getting all the vitamins and minerals an AIA body needs can be difficult.  Research has proven this could be due to the rise in food desert communities and a system that supports a diet that is ill conducive to our copper make up. Research has also shown that predominantly low-income neighborhoods are eight times more likely to have carry-out liquor stores than white or racially integrated neighborhoods. Most of these stores are owned by foreigners who stocked their stores with high caloric snacks that are low in micronutrients. These foods often also contain added sugar, sodium (salt), and saturated or trans fats. This type of diet contributes to weight gain and can increase your risk of health issues, such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease all of which carry a negative impact on mental health.

Dietary improvement and nutritional interventions may help reduce the risk, and can even arrest the progression, of certain mental disorders. Evidence from clinical research supports the intake of several nutritional foods that are carry omega-3 fatty acids; N-acetyl cysteine (NAC); S-adenosyl methionine (SAMe); zinc; magnesium; vitamin D; and B vitamins (including folic acid). Other natural compounds such as amino acids, plant-based antioxidants and microbiotics (derived from fermented food or laboratory synthesis) are also known to influence brain health.

In the meanwhile, here are seven key nutrients that may positively influence brain health, and the foods they appear in.

1. Omega-3

Polyunsaturated fats (in particular omega-3 fatty acids) have a vital role in maintaining proper neuronal structure and function, as well as in modulating critical aspects of the inflammatory pathway in the body. Taking omega-3 supplements appears beneficial for addressing symptoms of depression, bipolar depression and post-traumatic stress disorder. And it may potentially help prevent psychosis.

Omega-3 fats can be found in nuts, seeds and oysters, although the highest amounts exist in oily fish such as sardines, salmon (especially King salmon), anchovies and mackerel. Due to higher levels of mercury, larger fish, such as mackerel, should be consumed in moderation.

2. B vitamins and folate

We need B vitamins for a range of cellular and metabolic processes, and they play a critical role in the production of a range of brain chemicals. Folate (B9) deficiency has been reported in depressed populations and among people who respond poorly to antidepressants. It would be wise to incorporation foods high in folate, such as leafy green vegetables, legumes, whole grains, and nuts. Unprocessed whole grains and nuts are, in general, richest in B vitamins. If you’re going to take supplements, it’s advisable to take B vitamins together as they have a synergistic effect.

3. Amino acids

Amino acids are the building blocks for creating proteins, from which brain circuitry and brain chemicals are formed. When given as a supplement, an amino acid form known as N-acetyl cysteine is found to be helpful in depression and compulsive behaviors. Amino acids are found in any source of protein, most notably seafood, eggs, nuts and legumes.


Minerals, especially zinc, magnesium and iron, have important roles in neurological function.

Zinc is an abundant trace element, being involved in many brain chemistry reactions. It’s also a key element supporting proper immune function. 

Magnesium is also involved in many brain chemistry reactions and deficiency has been linked to depressive and anxiety symptoms.

Iron is involved in many neurological activities and deficiency is associated with anxiety and depressive symptoms as well as developmental problems. This is, in part, due to its role in transporting oxygen to the brain.

Zinc is abundant in whole grains, pumpkin seeds and nuts, while magnesium is richest in nuts, legumes, whole grains, leafy greens.

Iron occurs in higher amounts in grains, nuts and leafy greens, such as spinach.

5. Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble compound that’s important as much for brain development as it is for bone development. Deficiency is linked to increased depressive symptoms. But there’s little evidence to support the use of vitamin D supplements for preventing depression.

6. Plant-based antioxidants

An increase in oxidative stress and damage to brain cells has been implicated in a range of mental disorders, including depression and dementia. Antioxidant compounds (such as “polyphenols”, which are found in fruits and certain herbs) may “mop up” free radicals that damage cells to provide a natural way to combat excessive oxidation.

Consuming natural antioxidant compounds is abundant in fruits and vegetables that contain these antioxidant compounds in relative abundance, especially blackberries, blueberries, raspberries and goji berries; grapes; mangoes and mangosteen; onions; garlic; kale; as well as green and black tea; various herbal teas; and coffee.

If you want to decrease your risk of long-term mental deficiencies health issues like heart disease don’t look in the supplements aisle at the grocery store. Start in the produce aisle—eat a healthy, varied diet heavy in fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grains. Find a workable exercise regimen, avoid excessive alcohol consumption, and don’t smoke. There’s no magic pill that will make you a healthier person, but there are many other ways to feel better and live longer.

This article includes cited editorial links that can be helpful!